सोमवार, 26 अप्रैल 2010

बाजारू भाषा नहीं है हिन्दी : आशुतोष राणा - Hindi is the language of wisdom and Agrenji busine - www.bhaskar.com

बाजारू भाषा नहीं है हिन्दी : आशुतोष राणा - Hindi is the language of wisdom and Agrenji busine - www.bhaskar.com

1 टिप्पणी:

  1. Mr.Prajapati
    Why not add a Gujarati script converter to the site?

    As you know that Gujarati Script is a simplified version of Devnagari script
    without horizontal lines. In fact it's a developed Devnagari script where you write comparatively lesser times lifting the pen.

    Sure,Hindi is spoken by more peoples in India but it’s not technical and very cluttered language with horizontal lines.It’s writings in newspapers look like an old Sanskrit language.If you look all Indian languages in Google Transliteration IME you will find Gujarati script very simple computer-usable language Script.Gujarati alphabet is very very easy for foreigners to learn and practice.

    We all know that Devnagari is not the script of Hindi to begin with.Basically it is the script of Sanskrit,unquestionably the language of India,not any region.

    Sanskrit language used horizontal lines for grammatical lengthy meaningful words.
    Besides languages in a Devnagari script which Indian old or current languages or world languages use horizontal lines to make words more cluttered in appearance?Why draw lines if not needed?

    As you know China has simplify it’s language to make it computer usable.Also most of European countries and other world countries use English Script for their national languages.

    Think,Why most Hindi lyrics are written in English but not in Hindi?

    People don't mind learning Hindi but India needs one easy Script for all languages and that’s Gujarati Script.

    Please do express your opinion about this.


    जवाब देंहटाएं